Japan was hit by monster tsunami that followed a massive earthquake in the Pacific ocean. It started at 2:45pm on March 11, 2013. And about 20 minutes later, the coastal areas in Northeastern Japan were completely destroyed. Not only did it take nearly 20,000 lives, it also affected many people like me, living outside Japan. I felt the urge to go back.
Though my hometown Tokyo is more than 200km away from the disaster areas, I was overwhelmed by feelings of despair. I was bombarded with images of unthinkable destruction by the forces of nature that were beyond my imagination. I had to do something. But what?
I was back in Japan two months later as a volunteer. During that expedition. I also filmed the early recovery process of towns in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures. I managed to interview a few survivors and volunteers. I then assembled the footage into a short film, Road to Recovery. It was screened in Toronto, LA, and Paris for fundraising purposes. But I felt like I'd only scraped the surface. Instead of just standing on the sidelines – I decided to learn about these experiences from the inside, by being in the room with locals talking to each other.
The result of this valuable time spent with the survivors is the documentary film, NAGATSUrA Home Without Land. It has a Japanese title;「長面」きえたふるさと. All the conversations are subtitled in English. We must not forget the power of the nature and our experiences must be passed onto the future generations. You can view the poster in this site's menu, More > Documentary Film. The website for this film is being renewed at the moment.
2011年3月11日日本の三陸地方を襲った東日本大震災は2万人に近い死者行方不明者を出す甚大な災害となりました。日本ばかりでなく海外にいる日本人にとってもショックな出来事でした。筆者の東京の実家は被災地から200キロ離れていますが当時カナダにいた私は絶望感に襲われたことは隠し切れません。想像を絶する破壊力が映像で繰り返し報道される中、何をしたら良いのかいてもたってもいられませんでした。日本に戻りボランテイアをしながら岩手県や宮城県の被災地を訪問し初期の復興の過程を短編映画 'Road to Recovery' に収め、カナダに持ち帰りトロントのファンドレージングイベントで使いました。ロスやパリでも同じ目的で使ってもらいました。しかし被災地の状況をうわべだけ見てきたという気持ちはぬぐいきれず、なんとか被災者の’方々の実際の声を聞けたら本当の震災の意味が’少しでも理解できるのではないかと思いました。
震災から2ヶ月後、被災者ご家族と寝食を共にした生の記録を “「長面」きえたふるさと” の映画に収めました。震災の記録は私たちが忘れないためであり自然の破壊力の恐ろしさと復興の力を後世に伝えるためです。地元の方達の日常会話で綴られた映画は英語の字幕が付いています。ポスターはこのサイトのメニューから More > Documentary Film にアクセスしてご覧ください。
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